So now i will tell you about the race its self.
Everyone gathered at the starting line
Then we ran and ran and ran! I ran the entire first mile and was feelin good other than the fact my hammies were killin me (Real athletes call hamstrings, hammies) bc i did an intense work out on thursday consisting of suicides and squats and other savage things. I like to think this will help me in my training! So as i was running i thought to myself... self.... surely this has to be like a solid mile and a half i have gone. No worries... i got the the line that said MILE ONE. ugh! So none the less i did what i went there to do and kept going and going and going.... until finally i got to mile two!! there was hope yet!!! I got so thirsty and usually in my runs i run to what i like to call the waterhole and then i run to the finish line.... there was no waterhole and i was SO SO thirsty! I kept going.. only i had walked a little bc my hammies were killin me and i was thirsty and hot! Then finally I made it around a corner and saw the crowd!!! So then i ran because that was all i could do to get there faster and get water! I finished in 37 minutes and some odd seconds which after a few hours i decided i was pleased with it! Those two shirtless guys you see in the photo above... no worries they finished in 17 minutes!
Jonathan finished a few minutes before I did because I told him he didnt have to wait on me because naturally boys run faster than girls! I like to be considerate sometimes and i did not want to slow him down!
Here i am running across the finish line, hold up a "V" for victory bc alice' asked me too! Now i cant wait for the next one! Until then i just train and train for the 10k i am hoping to do in march!
Thank you alice' for the lovely photos! :)