This post is a shout out to my pal Laura. Laura and I have been friends since my freshman year of college. She was my RA and we lived right across the hall from one another! Seriously, we were attached at the hip... it was ridiculous. Currently, she is in China following the Lord's plan. She is teaching english to kids and young adults for a year. She has been for about four months and those months have not always been the easiest. It's inspiring to know that she is resting in the fact that she is doing the Lords plan and that His mercies are new for her That is one of the many reasons why I appreciate her friendship and am thankful for her. That and she loves to be 12 with me and freak out over tween things, ha!
She has a blog, she doesn't update often but when she does its incredible. So if you want to be inspired by her story in China check it out here