Monday, December 5, 2011

13.1 baby

Saturday I completed my first ever half marathon! It was so much fun and I'm looking forward to another one! The course was relatively easy with a few killer hills. Mentally it was super hard but I wouldn't trade it. It was one of the first things I have ever worked so hard for just because I wanted too! #accomplished Mile 8-13 were the hardest because my knees and calves were on FIRE! I seriously could not have done it without the Lord and without my friend Katy's dad. We ran together from mile 4 or 5 to the finish! He kept my pace going and just when I thought I was going to give up he passed me and said come on! I Dont think we could have done so well without each other. My goal was 2.5 hours and I met it, well with 58 seconds ha!! 
Sunday, I was so so sore. Like Icy Hot is my new perfume and walking down the stairs backwards is easier than forwards. Today I am a little better but still not 100%! 

Warning: Picture OverLoad.

Froomi (Friend/roomie) Love! Beth mad us these cutie signs and rode them around on her bike! 

not hardcore, unless you live hardcore.

this is our lets get this race started face.
 This is where I was thinking... AHHHH what if i have to take a slam in the middle of my run! TMI? 
No worries, i was fine :)

and we did it!

race tat. I may or may not still have it on.....


So thankful for a sweet fiance' that supports me and my endeavors.

first half marathon... BOOM FREAKING ROASTED!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fill 'em

Happy Friday Guys!!
Let's celebrate by filling in some blanks!
with Lauren

1.   The holiday season is     exciting! It's full of family, friends, love, thankfulness and the Lord!

2.   Snow makes me   excited because it doesn't snow in Louisiana!

3.  The best comfort food to eat when it's cold out is    soup or gumbo with crackers!

4. Winter is the best time for    cuddling and running   .

5.  I can hardly wait for    my first ever half marathon tomorrow :)

6.  When it comes to holiday gifts I prefer to    receive/give thoughtful gifts.

7.  If I were to rate my excitement about the holiday season on a scale from 1-10, I would say I am at about a    probably like a 7. I'd so much rather summer and spring! But I do love how happy most people are during the holidays!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

turkey trottin'

In the midst of closing out the semester and all the papers/projects I had time to do a little 5K on Thanksgiving morning with Jon Jon to burn off some calories before we ate them! I had a goal... I more than met it and I was so stoked!! All of this in preparation for my first half marathon ever on Saturday!!!! I thought the weather was going to be amazing but the low went from being like 47 to 57. Normally 57 is cool, but on race day 47 is cooler! Pray for cooler weather!!! I have a goal for the half but I really just wanna finish and not barf! I have been trying to stay hydrated but Ive been sick with a cold and it's so hard to drink when you can't breathe!!! However, I will probably cry when I cross the finish line. I have worked hard and never in my life have I worked this hard at something just because I wanted too!

look at that form.
confession: I was a chach and zoomed past all those three people because I like to savage the finish so people think I'm hardcore 

im glad he humors me and does this.