Thursday, April 26, 2012

April Showers, Bring May Flowers....

.... or a june wedding
you can pick!
This past Sunday, I had my very first wedding shower! The girls in my Sunday school class threw it for me so it was super small and perfect! A private room was booked at DeAngelo's Pizzaria so we pigged out and opened presents! I am thankful the first one was small because I HATE being the center of attention!! Im normally use to getting excited about television shows, chaco tan lines, and new races.... now I have to get excited about plates, lamps, and trashcans! 
The favorite part to me about showers are all the people that come together to celebrate you and lavish love on you! It's neat to see how people support you and the covenant you and your fiance' are about to make to glorify Christ!!
With all that said, enjoy these photos:

sweet little cushioned bath mat!

Canisters to put cool stuff in... like sugar, cereal, flour.... you know that kind of stuff

Cute little wreath precious Brenda made for me!

Only the coolest spoon rest you will EVER encounter!!

you know I make this cake look good! :)

precious roomies!

I also got: a trivet, cookbook, platter, salt/pepper shakers, plates, hand towels, and a spice rack (to make my marriage spicy :] )

Peace. Love. Showers


  1. You do make that cake look good! lol

    I can't wait, my first shower is in 2 weeks.

    Because you guys don't live together i am assuming you need lots of stuff? Did you register?

  2. I love presents.. even if they're things that you need! Oh and I feel you on being the center of attention.. I hate it too!

  3. Shan!!!!! This is so cuteeeee!!!!! How sweet that you got all these gifts and you look precious!!!!!!! I'm going to need to see those pink pants in person!! Haa!! You look so happy!!!!! And I'm going to need to go through your gifts and pick out the things I need. First up will be that spoon rest. :)
