Thursday, February 24, 2011

bieber fever.

So the other night I went watch this movie with Jonathan!
It was so so good! the Biebster really is a jam! The film was not a lame concert film but more of a documentary of how he got where he is today and what life is like for him along with little concert clips. While i was watching it... i got a little emotional. (dont judge me) He has this song called One Less Lonely Girl and as concert tradition they pick a random girl from the audience and he serenades her with this song. Along with that, he also gives her roses and makes her feel special for just a moment. After, i started thinking... for a lot of the girls that get called on stage that could be the only moment that they have felt special in a while. Even if it was forced. It's hard to know what their family life is like or even how their teen relationship life it. Being a teen/tween is hard with bullying and all the pressure that sits on your back! So for this I give the biebs probs! Sometimes a moment is all it takes and those girls will remember that moment forever!

He also sold out the biggest venue, madison square garden, in TWENTY TWO minutes! Props because he works so hard at such a young age. Props because he loves it and is dedicated to his fans. Props because he knows that withouts his fans he would be no where. Props because he has cool hair :) Props because he is a solid musician!
His mother is also a single mom, which is hard to do. Props to her for not giving up and for trusting in the Lord through it all. Props for turning the biebs into a young man and not a boy. Props for being their in the midst of a hectic life!

What is your forever moment?
later dudes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

It's Wednesday again... and yes I did the same thing i did last week and only have one post in between Wednesdays. Im trying im trying! In honor of Wednesday im linking up with Jamie for What Im Loving Wednesday!!
I'm Loving... Pizza. Seriously it's so good! I had it yesterday for lunch, today for lunch, and ill have it tomorrow for dinner! Only tomorrow will be stuffed crust and with my boyfrann, so that makes it even better!

I'm Loving... This sweet text I got from Jonathan this afternoon!! He never fails to bring a smile to my face!
Things I love about you: your commitment to Christ, your eyes, your kindness to everyone, your passion for seeing an end to injustice, your vision in what you want to do, your drive for completing tasks, your laugh, your constant encouragement, your outlook on life, your desire to have fun and enjoy the little things, your ability to make me smile even when i feel like i fail... but most of all you are my closest friend the one i feel like i can tell anything to who will support me and love me regardless! Thank you for being you, seriously its an honor you let me be your boyfriend!
he is my jam.

later dudes.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Austin, bruh

So this past weekend I went with my friend Bethany to Austin, Texas to watch her, Alice' and alice's mom run the Livestrong half marathon! They had been training for about 30 weeks so this is really the day they had been waiting for! I was so excited for them and it made me excited to run my first half! There were people from all 50 states and even 20 countries... so thousands of people!!
That is all the people lining up to start the race! Bethany said they waited and didn't even get to cross the start line until 18 minutes after the race started. She also mentioned there were still tons of people behind her!!

This my friends is the finish line and i was so so stoked to watch them come under it and have a total party!! Right after the finish line there was a big giant wet spot on the road where everyone decided to spit... it was gross. Ohhhhh and two boys crossed the line in there jock straps.... vomit.

My friendies after they crossed the finish line!! I am so so proud of them!!! WHOOP!!!!

later dudes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday...

Its time to link up with Jamie for What I'm loving Wednesday. Yes I do realize that I did a blog yesterday and my one before that was just the week before... Im TRYING to get better. I just never know what to blog about that is interesting!
I'm LOVING the BEAUTIFUL weather that has been happening! I want to bring out my shorts so bad but I have to work, blah!

okay, it doesnt really look like that where i live but a girl can dream right?!

im LOVING HULU... at work, HannaH and I pretty much watch T.V. ALL day long while we work because the day goes much faster!
Im LOVING Justin Bieber. Yes im 22 and im feverish over a 14 year old... dont judge me. I have yet to see the movie but i plan on dragging Jonathan to it... thats real love in case you were wondering what it looked like.

as you can see... he is pointing at me so he is OBV obsessed with me too :)
again... let me dream!

I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks episode of What im loving Wednesday!!
later dudes.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My funny Valentine

So, yesterday was Valentines day...obv! Im usually not a sucker for it... well i was until junior high and high school. I can remember every feb 13th getting my mom to put sponge rollers in my hair so i can wake up the next day and have curly hair for all the valentines parties at school. Then in junior high and high school it was only cool if you had a boyfriend which i always never had! The Student Council or some club always sold carnations, of which i got NONE, and everyone pranced around the halls holding theirs..... YES, i was jealous. What high school/junior high girl doesnt want a cheap carnation?! In college I never really cared, i honestly liked to sit at the bottom of the dorm and wait for all the girls to come in to hear about their stories and hot dates!
This year was different!!!
This year.... I came to work, much like any other day and i had some purpler flowers in a mason jar, dark chocolate (my fav), and a card sitting on my desk for when i arrived! It was LOVELY! Later that evening my valentine aka boyfriend aka jonathan went on a lovely sushi date and too see this:
It was so so cute and clean! I totally recommend it!

and we took this lovely photo... its a little dark but still presh! I had to spell out L.O.V.E. with my hands because that is what you do on Valentine's day!

Then we were done and i was home by 8:45 and i went to sleep. Its really not lame to go to bed at nine especially when you have to get up at 6 AM every morning!!
We also celebrated the friday and saturday before by going to ft worth to see some friends! It was wonderful!! Jonathan planned the whole thing and surprised me with it a week before we left!

What did YOU do for Valentine's day?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Wednesday!!

Hey guys its wednesday, so im linking up with Jamie for What im Loving Wednesday! It's a fun post that I am going to try to start doing to just show what I'm currently loving for the week!

First things first...
Glee! I mean seriously it's been a JAM!
My Life as Liz... it comes on MTV and i sometimes want to be like her!
sewing crafty things.... there may be a post about it later!

Okay, those are the three things I'm currently spending time on! This weeks WILW has not been as creative because im a little rushed for time! I hope you enjoy!!

Next week im expecting an epic blog so be prepared!!

  What are YOU loving?!