Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Wednesday!!

Hey guys its wednesday, so im linking up with Jamie for What im Loving Wednesday! It's a fun post that I am going to try to start doing to just show what I'm currently loving for the week!

First things first...
Glee! I mean seriously it's been a JAM!
My Life as Liz... it comes on MTV and i sometimes want to be like her!
sewing crafty things.... there may be a post about it later!

Okay, those are the three things I'm currently spending time on! This weeks WILW has not been as creative because im a little rushed for time! I hope you enjoy!!

Next week im expecting an epic blog so be prepared!!

  What are YOU loving?!


  1. We watched Glee this week! It was wonderful!! What are the crafty things? Do tell!!

  2. Soooo.... I've never seen Glee. Not. one. single. episode. Whoops!! Is it as good as Degrassie??? ;) Haha!! Juuuuust kidddingggg!
