Wednesday, January 26, 2011

She loves me, She Loves me not.

So my BFF megan from mackey madness made ultra pals with a blog friend Michaela at michaela noelle designs who does that post called she loves me she loves me not which consist of things you are loving and not loving in the current week! So I decided to do one as well bc im kind of obsessed with it and wait for that post weekly!! So here is my rendition of it, with help from my pal HannaH!

Dark Wash AE Boyfriend Jeans

Nalgene Water bottle (i carry it everywhere, HannaH does too--- i converted her :)

self serve Frozen Yogurt-- we have this new place called Splurge and its frequented like 3 times a week at least

Lunch Time -- oh my gah we get to work at seven and by ten we are ready for lunch even though we just ate breakfast!!

Lady Antebellum Station on Pandora has been rocking our world! You should totally check it out!

Ghetto Staplers-- Ours at work can staple like 5 papers but it hurts your hand. This is the one we have but black DONT BUY IT!

Cold Weather--- Its seriously time for shorts and t shirts!

New American Idol Judges--- Seriously who in their right mind picked these guys?!

Our tiny cube for three people at work-- its really NOT this luxurious.
Human Trafficking (modern day slavery) ---- its a big issue that happens in countries all over the world Including the United States. You should research it and learn for yourself. Take a stand to end Injustice!

Hope you guys enjoyed!


  1. I love Lady Antebellum, too!! Agreed...American Idol's judges are so weird! How fun that you did your own post (:

  2. Love this...may have to snag this idea one day when I am hard pressed for a blog topic or have lots of time.

  3. Nalgene...eww!! ; )

    Love those jeans and I love you!

  4. Hahaha, Megan!!!! And that Splurge picture just made my mouth water..... seriously! Ha!! I think that will be where we go for Andrew's first trip out...for his first taste of Pineville!!! :) Yummmmm!!!!!
