Friday, October 28, 2011

Gotta Get Down on Friday.

It's my favorite time of the week!!!! 
and my favorite Jon Jon is coming in to see me tonight!! :)
Also, this morning I went on my usual four mile run in the rain... hard rain. 
My feet were sloshy in my shoes.
does this make me hardcore?
Link up with Lauren to play along too!!

1.   When I was a kid I wanted to be      a teacher    when I grew up.

2.   As an adult, my dream job would be   a social worker at a camp or work with Human Trafficking     .

3.  W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like  umm... my thoughts didn't get this deep when I was a wee little one   .

4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was    McDonalds French Fries... yes it was epic!

5.  My favorite childhood toy was    this little lightening bug that I pushed around and it lit up. I got it as a prize for using the big girl potty :)

6.  The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I     "ran away" from my grandmas house and didn't tell anyone I was going back to my house. I was sassy so I always got in trouble. That is the funniest though.

7.  I get daily inspiration from    the Lord's creation, jon jon, kids at internship

peace. love.friday

Thursday, October 27, 2011


A couple weeks ago I made the MOST delicious cookies ever and I just wanted to share the goodness with you!! You should seriously make them and hand them out to trick-or-treaters!! They will LOVE you for it! :) You will love you for it too!
No worries, the dough will be sticky so just drop those mugs on the cookie sheet!

Moist Yellow Cake Mix
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
Pre-Heat oven to 350
cook 8-10 minutes

YUM!!!! cookies

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bleed Purple. Live Gold.

This past weekend, I experienced Death Valley for the first time ever... aka... the LSU game! It was so fun!! Not to mention, they beat the socks off Auburn... seriously... roasted them! There were thousands upon thousands of people packed into the stadium! It's a whole new world, the student section was cracking me up! There are cheers for everything... touch downs, first downs, all of it!! Thankfully I had sweet friends to take care of me and teach me the Tiger ways!! Im hoping to go to another game next weekend!! 
Normal football dress would be shorts and t-shirt right?! WRONG! Not at these games, ha! The girls are so sassy!! So, I gave into peer pressure and dressed sassy and paid for it because it was HOT! I even pulled out the big dog... mascara... yeah I know! 

ready to get this show on the road!

my sassy outfit: polo, headband braid, cardigan, jeans, converse.

a glimpse of the TONS of people. They are looking back because there is a big screen to see re-plays and stuff up close!



The band at half-time!

Friday, October 21, 2011

F is for...

It's Friday, so It's time to fill in the blanks! It's seriously fun and you should do it too! #peerpressure

1.   Nothing says fall like      crunchy leaves and pumpkins.

2.   My favorite autumnal tradition is   ummm, well I don't really have any but I'll start a new one now... get pumpkin spice lattes and muffins with my main squeeze!

3.  My favorite fall treat is   ANYTHING with pumpkin in it.. seriously I cannot control myself  .

4. Fall makes me think of    football    because    it's all anyone and everyone talks about... especially at LSU!

5.  Autumn free form word association, go!    leaves, raking, naked trees, pumpkin, halloween.

6.  My go-to outfit in the fall is     jeans, t-shirt, jacket... maybe a sassy scarf!

7.  My favorite fall holiday is (Halloween or Thanksgiving)    Thanksgiving... seriously it's so much cooler than Halloween and there are pilgrims and the food is better.

What do YOU love about Fall?

Peace. Love. Blanks

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

to do:

oh hey there!!!
This little post is to share with you my to do list that is standing between me and my wimpy three day thanksgiving break... but hey, at least I get a break! Seriously, the semester is flying bye! It seems like I just moved to Baton Rouge yesterday!!! 

1. Turn in spring advising form (10/20)
2. Register for classes (10/23)
3. Turn in Mid term eval (10/27)
4. Turn in Field app for spring (10/28)
5. Community org event/ brief report due (10/31)
6. LGBT Journal (11/1) (11/15)
7. Implementation Exercise for research (11/1)
8. Presentation in Theory (11/7)
9. Work on Theory paper (11/14)
10. Ideal Human service Design for comm (11/21)

It's totally okay if you feel bad for me now! ha! jk... kind of....  Most of this crap stuff is just little sheets that I have to turn in for my internship... but the other stuff is big! 
Did I mention that I had my first mid-term... You know the one I worked on the study guide for for about 5 days and cried over... yeah that one. Well I got it back and I passed!!  Now my left cheek has a colony of pimples from all the stress! blah! 

In the midst of all the stress I went home this weekend and played with these two lovelies:
i CANNOT get enough of this little one.

who has the cutest niece in all the world?

Monday, October 10, 2011

kayak say what?

A couple weekends ago, I went Kayaking and I never blogged about it So it's time. 
Alice', her boyfriend Derrick, and I spent a Saturday morning Kayaking in Zachary, which is about 20 minutes from BR. They had free lessons and it was seriously a jam! We were all totally obsessed with it and I'm def planning on doing it again. Something about wearing my chacos and the smell of lake water just gets me every time! I think I love it because It reminds me of working camp! 
This lady took pictures of us on the water and I asked her to email them to me but she didn't so you can thank Alice' for this picture! 
Kayaking weekend... hands down one of my favorite weekends in BR.

Friday, October 7, 2011


It's Friday, So it's time to link with Lauren for my new favorite thing ever, Fill In The Blank Friday!!

1.   Something popular that I can't stand/just don't "get" is      leggings as jeans... jeggings.... all of it... come on now people

2.   Something unpopular that I secretly love is    disney..... #jam
  though, this isn't really a secret #sisterjuststoleyourcomputertotattle  .

3.  When I've had a bad day I   lay in bed and watch t.v. or cry or complain or all three   .

4. I'd prefer    water    to    coke      any day.

5.  Something that makes me nervous is    doctor visits, dentist visits.

6.  Something worth fighting for is     friendship. It's totally worth it.

7.  When people think of me, I hope they think    " she loves the Lord and it's evident"

I totally just went to the dentist and my mouth is trippin numb and droopy because I had to get cavites filled... so it totally makes sense that I filled in the blanks today, ha!

peace. love. "fillings"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

lesson learned

Yesterday happened a little something like this:
wake up... run... go to internship.... yada yada yada. Boring day right? WRONG.
Four o clock hit and I as jettin' out because I had been there for 9 hours. 
Im on my usual route (Keep in mind I haven't lived in BR for long and I only know one route to internship and thats all) and I see traffic at a halt... and red lights flashing...
yep, it was an awful accident in the midst of my route.... EEPPSS

So, I follow this car with smoke coming out its tailpipe... surely they know where they are going right?! and surely they are going to the same place I am??? 
We going and going and going... then I don't see the car anymore but i see another car that is the same color and decide to follow it... 
Then eventually by the Grace of the Lord, I end up on the main road to get back to my house. #score
I look down at my speedometer and I see the Hot car Cold car thing next to it... no worries it was ALMOST IN THE RED #ptcruiserfail
it's serious business and I start to freak out... I pull into the Wendy's because i don't want to blow up. I call my mom freaking out... almost in tears... she is sick and cant think straight... #bringonthetears

She tells me to call dad... he doesn't answer so I kept trying.... he FINALLY answered. I tell him what happened and he says...
"all i know to tell you is to go into the Wendy's get a hamburger and coke and sit down until your car cools off" seriously dad? seriously... that is what you have for me. In the midst of this I realize there is a Mechanic shop right next door to the Wendy's... I asked dad if I could go in there and get them to tell me what it is with my car....
I was brave and made that walk of shame.... I spoke to a man with a missing front tooth and a neck tat... cool.... He took care of me though and for that I am thankful.
All this to say the coolant fan on my car broke and I have to pay 600 stinking dollars to get that mug fixed. 
Neck tat said he would order the part and fix my car first thing this morning! #thankful
Today I'm bringing him Oreos.

All this to say the Lord's provision was so visible yesterday. He led me behind those white cars to make it through the neighborhood. My normal route doesn't have a car shop on it. He put neck tat is my path. He provided financially. I'm going home this weekend and it very well could have happened on my trip. He proved yet again that He takes care of His children. He is Father. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Celebration Weekend.

Remember how Thursday I told you that Jon Jon was coming to visit me?! Well here is a recap of our most wonderful weekend together! 

Friday- We went to starbucks and whole foods for coffee and muffins, to the zoo and Olive Garden. I needed pasta for my TEN mile run on Saturday morning!! 
so tasty. Blueberry and banana Nut. With that pumpkin spice latte babeh!

after this photo was taken this elephant was so generous to demonstrate his pooping and peeing for us. His pee sounded like a roaring ocean. #iwishiwaslying

silly bird

giraffes are seriously my favorite animal. Look how beautiful.

fact: when zebras are in a herd the enemy cant pick out one specific zebra because their stripes blend to look like one BIG zebra. 

love him more and more everyday. We literally had the best weekend ever. Even though it's so cheesy, the weekend really did bring us closer and for that I am thankful.

seriously this was delicious!! Im not even sure what that Chicken/Pasta creation was called anymore but  I could eat it everyday of my life! This was a moment Jon Jon HATED being vegetarian haha!!

Saturday: I woke up, went run... it was not awful but I wouldn't wanna do it everyday!! We went to get muffins again because other than pancakes it's on of my favorite breakfast items. #spoiled Then we went to this cutie little sushi place for lunch called Tsunami. It's on the 6th floor of an art building downtown and you have the option of eating on the balcony over looking the water. It was beautiful outside so that is what we chose to do! Then we just played around all day and wasted time!

my lame attempt to be artsy like the rest of you bloggers.

seriously this was so yummy! The system was down so we had to wait a while to get the ticket which meant we got a discount. Both of these rolls for the price of that one big role. #jam