Thursday, August 4, 2011

plank that.

Are any of you guys up to date with the new trend planking? okay.. maybe not... But here is what it is.
Urband dictionary defines planking as this...

To plank. To lay horizontally in a strange or unusual place. To plank you must lay horizontally straighten your body and point your fingers and toes down (towards your feet), then you must name your "plank" and post a picture of the creator (of the plank) performing the pose on Facebook.

Planking is a great pastime for people who get bored easily and have friends willing to take pictures of them looking like retards. Public planking is more adventurous and is harder to pull off especially on things like: cop cars, public toilets, and in the middle of six way highways.

Planking can also be dangerous if performed: in places of frequent use, the tops of tall buildings and placed frequented by pedophiles and rapists.

With all that said and before you think it's the stupidest thing on earth, give it a shot! It really is kind of fun! Confession: I thought it was stupid at first but now I love it!!  Even Justin Beiber planks... Okay, maybe that didn't help my case with some of you so forget I said it! 

planking at JC penny
 Some funny lady stared at me and laughed as I was doing this one. #rude

Planking at a restaurant


  1. Is it weird that I kind of want to plank but I'm mildly embarrassed? I should probably just get over it and do it. I like the bed one the best :)

  2. Hahahaha. You already know my feelings on planking. So so weird, but funny, I'll admit it. Let's make Andrew plank when I come next week!

  3. Ummmmmmm.......... I will save my comment for this post for you in person. :) And even though I will save ALL the planking fun for you, I do have to say that you do it well!! :)
